4 Cs of Social Media Branding

Social media gives a business the perfect opportunity to connect with the right audience and build a successful brand identity. But, with several emerging social media platforms it is difficult to select the suitable ones.

Discussed below are 4 Cs of social media branding, which every Social media manager and the brand should take care of:

    1.   Concentrating on visual Branding:
Visuals should be considered as the basic and crucial ingredients of a social media communication. Every brand should keep in mind that there should be a consistency in the visuals used in the postings done on the social media page. This helps in creating a subtle and clear brand image in the minds of customers and removes ambiguity. 

   2.   Choosing the right Medium:
  It should be noted that not every social media platform is viable and       suitable for your brand. With hundreds of social media apps popping up every year, it gets difficult to know which one is apt for your brand. Every social app needs to be analyzed based on its target audience and its reach. This will help you in figuring out the best for yourself.

   3.    Consistency with Content:
     Creating guidelines before flooding your social media post with loads of content is a prerequisite. The social media marketer should decide on the topics which the brand wants to cover through its blog posts, videos, Facebook Posts or Tweets. This can be given a head start with curating the content from different sources and then categorizing and segregating it according to the latest trends and strategies.

  4.  Continuous Posting:
A clueless pause or irregular posting will result into lost attention and falling social media branding efforts. Make sure if you are posting on Facebook, you are following a pre-decided schedule regarding your Facebook posts and maintaining consistency and regularity on the content delivered. If you are posting or tweeting once or twice in a month, chances are you will be easily forgotten.

Bear in mind these crucial Cs of Social Media Branding and continue being on the winning edge.